The Line with the Introverted Networker, Greg Roche

Paul and Greg discuss what happens that causes an employee to consider leaving a company, and how this affects the approach we take as HR practitioners in diagnosing employee attrition. Greg also highlights the work he does to help individuals network more effectively without going to networking events.
 Paul and Greg discuss what happens that causes an employee to consider leaving a company, and how this affects the approach we take as HR practitioners in diagnosing employee attrition. Greg also highlights the work he does to help individuals network more effectively without going to networking events.

Greg Roche helps introverts grow their networks without going to networking events. He is the author of The Fast and Easy Guide to Networking for Introverts, he posts every weekday on LinkedIn about networking, and he recently launched The Introverted Networker which is his weekly newsletter that delivers one networking tip to your inbox every Saturday morning. He's a VP of Compensation at large healthcare company and has spent the last 25 years of his professional life working in the healthcare, consulting, cybersecurity, and multifamily real estate industries. Greg is a Colorado native who has lived in the Denver area for the past 20 years. 

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Creators and Guests

Paul Reiman
Paul Reiman
Paul is the Founder of Novo Insights, a firm dedicated to helping People teams make a bigger impact by using data.
Greg Roche
Greg Roche
Greg is VP of Compensation for UnitedHealth Group and author of The Fast and Easy Guide to Networking for Introverts
The Line with the Introverted Networker, Greg Roche
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